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Storage KVM VPS - Storage-0.5T

RAM: 512 MB
Storage: 500 GB
Bandwidth: 2500 GB (@1Gbit)
CPU Core: 2 @3.5+ GHz (Fair Share)
IPv4: 1
IPv6: 1x /64 (Not Available In Germany)
Free Blesta Billing Software

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Mining Chia is not allowed. Do you understand and agree to that? If you don't and select "No", your order will be canceled.

I understand that hosting and distributing copyrighted material is against the Terms of Service.

Due to nature of storage VPS, usage of Next Cloud or similar cloud syncing software is not recomended. You will notice degraded performance.

Storage VPS, meant to be used for raw storage and storing backups. Not recommended to be used for regular hosting. Should not be used as seed box or anything that requires constant read and writes. Chinese Translation: 储存类型的VPS只适用于长期储存资料或备份,不建议搭建网站,也不批准用BT的适用

Once again. Storage VPS's are meant for storing backup. This is not just "cheap" big disk VPS. Storage VPS's are not meant to be used as mail server, sql server, seed box etc. Seriously. Please don't. Don't be the noisy neighbor. Policies are there for reasons.

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