How to change PHP versions and settings using PHP Selector

Nexus Bytes server support multiple versions of PHP as well as customize php settings.

To change the PHP version used for your account, follow these steps:

  • Login to your Web Hosting Management Panel (Directadmin).

Nexus Bytes Web Hosting Management Panel

  • Navigate to Extra Features:

Nexus Bytes Web Hosting Multiple PHP Version selection

  • Click on "Select PHP version"
  • On the next page, you should be able to see the current PHP version.
  • Click on the arrow next to current PHP version and a drop down option for "PHP versions" will appear.

Nexus Bytes Multiple PHP Version support

  • Select your desired version from the drop down, click "Set as Current". You will also be able to configure additional PHP Modules/Extensions/Options.

Nexus Bytes PHP Modules

In order to change PHP options such as memory limit and upload size, please click on switch options and make changes as needed:

Nexus Bytes Custom PHP configurations

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