Scheduled Maintenance - March 27, 2021 Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting Other - Hardware Maintenance

Dear Users,

This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance.

Standard hardware maintenance and system improvement.

March 27th, 2021

6:00 P.M to 11:59 P.M (EST)

Expected maximum downtime per service:
30 minutes

Impacted Services:
All Services in the following region:

NYC Metro, Miami, Los Angeles, London, Singapore, Tokyo

Note: Storage VPS's won't be impacted.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here. If your service do not come back online at the end of maintenance period, please open support ticket immediately. Please check our Heartbeat monitor ( to stay updated.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

P.S: While we do not anticipate any data loss during the maintenance period, however, as always, please please and please keep an offsite backup of your data.

Emergency Maintenance Notification: Miami Storage node 2 Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Miami Storage node 2

Dear Users,

This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled emergency system maintenance.

Replacing failing memory module

March 15th, 2021

1:00 P.M to 2:30 P.M (EST)

Expected downtime:
90 minutes

Impacted Services:
Storage VPS hosted on Miami Storage node 2

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

We do apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Host Node Outage - LAHVM1 Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - LAHVM1

Server: LAHVM1

Faulty Memory Card

Status : Issue identified. DC Team is working on replacing the faulty unit.

Impacted Services:
Selected Storage VPS Clients in LA

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.
We do apologies for any inconvenience, this might cause you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Scheduled Maintenance - August 2nd - Hardware Maintenance Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - pger1

Dear Users,

This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance.

Hard drive Health Check

August 2nd - 2020

12:00 A.M to 2:00 A.M (EDT)

Expected downtime:
30 minutes

Impacted Services:
All Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

We do apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Scheduled Maintenance - June 14th - 2020 (Sunday). Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting System - ALL

This is an email to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance.
- Kernel Upgrades
- Faulty hardware replacement for select nodes.
- Updating internal abuse monitoring tools to be more efficient and reduce false alerts.
June 14th - 2020 (Sunday).
11:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (EDT)
Expected downtime per node:
~15-25 minutes
We expect each VPSs' to boot up by themselves, without any external assistance.
If your server is still not responding to network requests after 30 minutes of down time, please try booting your VPS from the MyManagementPanel. A quick note, if your VPS wouldn't start after trying to reboot.
If your VPS remains offline, despite the above attempts, please open a support ticket. Any support ticket opened after 4 PM EDT, regarding downtime situation, that lasted for more than 30 minutes, will not be eligible for any form of service credit.
Please keep a local backup of your content. While we anticipate 0 hiccups, we will not be liable for any data loss, that may occur due to the maintenance.
Impacted Services:
Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS, vDedicated, Storage Server, Reseller Pool.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here. We do apologies for any inconvenience this might have cause you and we appreciate your patience.
We thank you for being a valued member of the Nexus Bytes Family.

Scheduled System Maintance Notification - March 15th, 2020 Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting Other - Hardware Maintenance

Dear Users,
This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance.

Scheduled Hardware Maintenance

March 15th - 2020

10:00 A.M to 12:00 A.M (EDT)

Expected downtime:
15 minutes

Impacted Services:
All VPS Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

We do apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Thank you for being a member of the Nexus Bytes Family.
Nexus Bytes LLC - Where Quality Meets Affordability

Tuesday, 10th March 2020-11:33am

Scheduled Maintenance - February 23, 2020 - Hardware Maintenance Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting System - Hardware Maintenance - LA Storage : LAHVM2

Event Summary: A Defective RAM stick will be replaced to prevent unscheduled downtime.

Start Time: 2020-02-23 - 11:00:00 PM EST (20:00)
End Time: 2020-02-24 - 01:00:00 PM EST (21:00)
Location(s): LA Storage Node 2

Affected Service: LAHVM2

Important information:

Defective memory stick that will need to be replaced to prevent unscheduled outages. We do not expect to use the entire maintenance window.

If your total downtime is more than 30 minutes, you will automatically receive SLA Credit.

If you have any concerns, please open a support ticket.

Scheduled Maintenance - February 23, 2020 - Switch Maintenance Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting Other - Network Switch - NYC Storage

Event Summary: A switch will be replaced to prevent unscheduled downtime.

Start Time: 2020-02-23 - 10:00:00 PM EST (22:00)
End Time: 2020-02-23 - 11:00:00 PM EST (23:00)
Location(s): NYC Metro Datacenter

Affected Service: NYC Storage VM

Important information:

One or more servers are connected to a switch that will need to be replaced to prevent unscheduled outages. We do not expect to use the entire maintenance window.

If your total downtime is more than 30 minutes, you will automatically receive SLA Credit.

If you have any concerns, please open a support ticket.

Emergency System Maintenance Notification - January 5th, 2020 Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting System - Generic System Maintance

Dear Users,
This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance.

Emergency Server Maintenance

January 5th - 2020

12:00 A.M to 2:00 A.M (EDT)

Expected downtime:
15 minutes

Impacted Services:
All Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.
We do apologies for any inconvenience, this might cause you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Host Node Outage - GerhVm2 Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - Virtualizor Panel

Dear Users,
Due to Kernel Panic, storage node "GerHvm2" locked up and needed a complete power cycle. Our internal monitoring system alerted us as immediately. Overall downtime due to reboot was ~9 minutes. If your overall downtime was anything more than 14 minutes, please open a ticket to claim SLA credit

Kernel Panic

January 3rd - 2020

10:05 P.M to 10:14 P.M (EDT)

Expected downtime:
15 minutes

Impacted Services:
All Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.
We do apologies for any inconvenience, this might cause you and we appreciate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.

Scheduled System Maintance Notification Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting Other - NJ Servers

Dear Users,

This is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled system maintenance .

Reason :

Routine Server and Network Updates

Date :

3rd November - 2019


11:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M (EDT)

Expected downtime :

10 minutes

Impacted Services :

NY/NJ servers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

We do apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused you and we appreicate you for being part of the Nexus Bytes family.