Virtual Private Servers: too good to be true?

The virtual private server or VPS is a brilliant innovation, offering excellent value in terms of cost, flexibility and performance. However, despite its exceptional strengths, it is not without weaknesses.

Although the VPS is a self-contained system with its own allocated hardware resources, it may not perform as expected. For physical dedicated servers, you can expect maximum performance from its hardware resources. However, a VPS may not perform as expected given the allocated virtual hardware resources. There are three main reasons for an underperforming VPS.

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Knock knock! Any server home?

After you purchase a web hosting service, your provider will send a welcome email with lots of information in it. One of them probably looks something like this: 

Why would you need to know this bunch of numbers separated by dots about your web hosting service? This information is crucial for anyone (including you!) to send information to your server because that is the address of your server on the internet.

The internet is a global network of interconnected computers that communicate with other computers on the network by sending data to one another (your web server is essentially a computer with special software installed allowing it to serve information without your intervention after you set it up). How would a computer connected to the internet in Australia know where to send data to a computer connected to the internet in Brazil?

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Domain names and IP addresses: similar but different

Anyone who has used the internet would have heard of “dot-com”, which was perhaps most famously associated with the bursting of the dot-com stock bubble in the late 1990s. The term dot-com refers to the most well-known of all the domains on the World Wide Web. Some other well-known domains include dot-net, dot-org, dot-edu and dot-gov. As we move forward towards a digital world, TLD (Top Level Domain) are no longer only limited to .com, .net, .edu or the common ones. At the time of writing this post, there are a total of 1514 TLDs. Woof!

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Hello world!

Probably the most overused sentence in the history of programming and internet. So simple, yet so elegant. So why bother reinventing the wheel when it just works? Why not use what is already there and use it to make everyone’s life easy? Specially when it comes to our first ever blog post!

Welcome to Nexus Bytes blog, or as we like to call it, Nexus Bytes bits and bytes! Bit too Bytey? Yeah, you can blame Uncle Bob for that.

We will be using this medium/outlet/blog to communicate with our family members, hopefully not with just boring contents, but also with news updates, tutorials, random thoughts, chatters and what not. The idea is really simple, we like to stay connected with you.

Talking about staying connected, have you followed us on twitter yet? If you haven’t, please follow us on Twitter @NexusBytesLLC to stay connected with us.

With that said, till the next post, “See ya soon”.