DirectAdmin 101

Accessing DirectAdmin control panel:

If you just installed DA (Directadmin) server for the first time, you will be accessing using your DA installation by navigating to “Your-Server-IP:2222” using your favorite web browser.

Your default username is “Admin” and you will be provided with your default password that was provided you at the end of your installation.

If you have received your login credentials for your Reseller Hosting account or Web Hosting account, you will be able to access using the details provided in your welcome e-mail.

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Familiarize yourself with DirectAdmin control panel

What is DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin is an easy to use, graphical web control panel, built for managing servers, that includes all the necessary tools for one to successfully deploy and administrate their web identity (Website, database, email etc.).

Nexus Bytes is a proud DirectAdmin partner. Nexus Bytes is also one of the very few VPS and Dedicated Server provider, that offers Free DirectAdmin control panel with our Affordable VPS, Premium VPS and Virtual Dedicated Servers.

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Getting started with DirectAdmin Reseller Hosting

Congratulations! If you are reading this, either you have chosen to start your web hosting business or decided to expand! Both of which takes amazing amount of courage and planning. Thank you for choosing Nexus Bytes reseller web hosting and giving us the honor of becoming your web hosting partner!

We know you are ready to get started and we want you to get started! This will be a series of “How to” with your reseller hosting plan, so you can get comfortable and offer your services to your clients, like a pro, that you are!

Without further ado, let’s get started, shall we?

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